Farmhouse Sweetheart Bouquet

Farmhouse Sweetheart Bouquet


A lovely bouquet featuring two preserved roses, pink strawflower, “love in the mist” nigella, wheat, panicum grass, pink starflower, and plush pampas plumes. Wrapped in tissue and Kraft and tied with pink ribbon, it's a sweet farmhouse-inspired mix.

The bouquet measures 7”L x 5”W x 18”H and is handcrafted with all natural materials. Variations are to be expected from one the next. Read about the care of dried and preserved material in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.

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A lovely bouquet featuring two preserved roses, pink strawflower, “love in the mist” nigella, wheat, panicum grass, pink starflower, and plush pampas plumes. Wrapped in tissue and Kraft and tied with pink ribbon, it's a sweet farmhouse-inspired mix.

The bouquet measures 7”L x 5”W x 18”H and is handcrafted with all natural materials. Variations are to be expected from one the next. Read about the care of dried and preserved material in the blogpost Dried Flowers 101.